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    Post by Guest Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:30 am


    Langkah 1:
    Step 1:

    Terdapat dua anak panah (arrow) di setiap kawasan MBB di mana anda akan dapat dengan hanya duduk berdekatan dengan anak panah tersebut. Arrow tersebut akan bergerak setiap 3 minit dari satu tempat ke satu tempat.
    [1 Arrow = 1 Point]

    There are two arrows at each area in MBB where you will get by just sitting near the arrow. The arrows will move to each part for every 3 minutes.
    [1 Arrow = 1 Point]

    ARROW 1

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    ARROW 2

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


    Langkah 2:
    Step 2:

    Selepas 3 minit, anda akan dibawa ke Telephone Box teleport. Kemudian, masuk ke dalam teleport tersebut.

    After 3 minutes, you will be teleport to Telephone Box. Then, enter the teleport shown.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


    Langkah 3:
    Step 3:

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    1) Anda akan tiba di Reward Room Hall dan terdapat 6 teleport di situ. Jadi terdapat 6 Reward Room di MBB.

    2) PERINGATAN: Anda tidak dibenarkan untuk guna lebih dari satu Reward Room. Sila gunakan Reward Room 1 terlebih dahulu SEKIRANYA TIDAK PENUH LAGI. Setiap Reward Room ini hanya boleh mengisi sehingga 15 nama sahaja. Jadi sekiranya Reward Room 1 sudah ada 15 nama (Penuh), sila beralih dan gunakan Reward Room 2. Sekiranya Reward Room 2 juga sudah penuh, sila gunakan Reward Room 3 dan begitulah seterusnya.

    3) Bagaimana nak tahu sudah cukup 15 nama (Penuh) ataupun tidak, anda boleh periksa nama-nama tersebut terpampang pada scoreboard di dalam setiap Reward Room ini.

    4) Masuk ke dalam teleport tersebut.

    1) You will arrive in Reward Room Hall and there are 5 teleport there. So there are 5 Reward Room at MBB.

    2) REMINDER: You are not allowed to use more than one Reward Room. Please use Reward Room 1 first IF NOT FULL YET. Each Reward Room only fits for 15 names only. So if Reward Room 1 is already have 15 names (Full), please proceed to Reward Room 2. If it is full too, just proceed to the Reward Room 3 and so on.

    3) If you want to know whether the Reward Room already have 15 names (Full), you can check those names emblazoned on the scoreboard in each Reward Room.

    4) Enter the teleport.


    Langkah 4:
    Step 4:

    Gambar contoh diambil di dalam Reward Room 1

    An example image taken in Reward Room 1

    down arrow

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Setelah masuk ke dalam Reward Room, masuk ke dalam pagar yang telah disediakan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam kotak merah tersebut.

    Nota: Setiap Reward Room mempunyai pagar yang berbeza.

    After enter the Reward Room, enter the gate provided as shown in the red box.

    Note: Each Reward Room has a different type of gate.


    Langkah 5:
    Step 5:

    1) Tunggu sehingga 30 saat, nama anda akan terpampang dalam scoreboard yang telah disediakan. Jadi sila gunakan Reward Room yang sama dan yang hanya ada nama anda sehingga point reset (padam). Point akan reset sebaik sahaja masuk hari SABTU pada pukul 12:00 pagi. Anda ada masa seminggu untuk kumpul point seberapa banyak yang boleh.

    Nota: Hanya pengguna komputer atau laptop sahaja yang boleh melihat nama dan point dalam scoreboard tersebut.

    2) Keluar dari Reward Room tersebut melalui teleport yang telah disediakan.

    1) Wait for 30 seconds, your name will be emblazoned in the scoreboard that has been provided. So please use the same Reward Room that have your name until the points reset. The points will reset once entry Saturday at 12:00 AM GMT+8. You have one week to collect as many points as you can.

    Note: Only computer and laptop user that can see the name and the point in the scoreboard.

    2) Exit from the Reward Room by entering the teleport provided.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Contoh Scoreboard

    Example of Scoreboard

    down arrow

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]



    Like a Star @ heaven THAT'S ALL! HAPPY WORKING MBB-ians! Like a Star @ heaven

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      Current date/time is Wed Jan 15, 2025 11:17 am